A brief history
After Superstorm Sandy in 2012, Enterprise Community Partners commissioned impact and resilience assessments of 156 existing multifamily housing projects affected by Superstorm Sandy to assess hurricane related damages and to develop resilience strategies to mitigate future damage for the buildings. The properties ranged from public housing facilities in Jersey City to 3 story walkups in New York City’s Lower East Side. These reports set the foundation for what you are reading today.
The key objectives for each building assessment were:
- Identify critical infrastructure most vulnerable to climate-related emergency events that could compromise the property’s ability to provide safe and sanitary housing conditions.
- Identify repair and replacement work already done to critical infrastructure.
- Recommend measures to strengthen the performance of the building’s infrastructure during an emergency event and prepare for safe and timely evacuation and quick post-event recovery.
- Provide estimated capital cost ranges for each recommendation.
There were many outside experts who generously donated their time in making this manual as comprehensive and useful as possible. An all-day workshop on October 29, 2014 in New York City brought over 40 experts together to address resilience in multifamily affordable housing.
Producer: |
Laurie Schoeman
Director, Climate and Sustainability Enterprise Community Partners, Capital Division |
Lead Writers: | Tom Sahagian and Samantha Yoast |
Graphic Design: | Worldstudio, New York City |
Housing Partners:
- Asian Americans for Equality
- Bailey House
- CAMBA Housing Ventures
- Carroll Gardens Association
- Community Investment Strategies
- Fifth Avenue Committee
- Jersey City Public Housing Authority
- Jewish Association Serving the Aging (JASA)
- Lott Community Development Corporation
- Lower East Side People’s Mutual Housing Association
- Services for the UnderServed
- Triple C Housing
NYC Housing and Neighborhood Recovery Donors Collaborative:
- AARP Foundation
- Altman Foundation
- Bank of America
- The Bershire Taconic Community Foundation
- The BTMU Foundation, Inc.
- Capital One
- Citi Foundation
- Deutche Bank Americas Foundation
- Goldman Sachs Bank USA
- Hearst Foundation
- JP Morgan Chase
- The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City
- New York Community Trust
- Robin Hood Foundation
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- Rockefeller Foundation
- The Toyota Foundation
- Freddie Mac
- Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
- Goldman Sachs Gives
- J.C. Penny Company Fund
- The JPB Foundation
- The Kendeda Fund
- Surdna Foundation
Advisory Group
initial publication in 2016
Senior Advisors
- Alex Wilson, Resilient Design Institute
- Mark Ginsberg, FAIA, Curtis + Ginsberg
- Jim Newman (Linnean Solutions)
- John McIlwain (Johnathan Rose Companies)
- Hiba Hadeed (Plus Lab Architects)
- Christine Hunter (Magnusson)
- Cecil Scheib (Urban Green Council)
- Tom Eisele (Mayor’s Office of Long Term Planning)
- Peter Drenan (Dewberry)
- Steven Eget (Dewberry)
- John Brandstetter (Branstetter Group)
- Bill Browning (Terrapin Bright Green)
- James Karl Fischer (Royal Institute of British Architects, USA / Zoological Lighting Institute)
- Jared Gilbert (COOKFOX Architects)
- Ken Levenson (Four Seven Five)
- Brian Loughlin (Marywood University)
- Jenny Lund (P.W. Grosser Consulting)
- John Malueg (Stantec)
- Ernest Marbell (FEMA)
- Fabiana Heacham (HPD)
- George Millas (HPD)
- Oksana Mironova (Enterprise Community Partners)
- Carl Mister (Arup)
- Joseph Montebello (Armand)
- Deborah Morris (HPD)
- Wayne Murchison (Margert Community Corporation)
- Chris Pakruda (HPD)
- Philip Parisi Jr. (Jaros, Baum, and Bolles)
- Nancy Pogensky (FEMA – Hazards and Performance Analysis)
- Julio Ravelo (Thorton Tomasetti)
- Glenny Rodriguez (FEMA – Hazards and Performance Analysis)
- Zully Rolan (Fifth Avenue Committee)
- Susan Rosenstadt (NYC Department of Environmental Protection)
- Steven Sachs (Willis)
- Pat Sapinsley (Build Efficiently / Watt Not)
- Leia Sims (Enterprise Community Partners)
- Jen Stencel (Magnusson)
- Sorin Tapai (Jewish Association Serving the Aging)
- Joseph Tortorella (Robery Silman Associates)
- Shanta Tucker (Atelier Ten)
- Donna Walcavage (Stantec)
- Ron Walker (HPD)
- Alex Wilson (Resilient Design Institute)
- Jessica Yager (NYU Furman Center)
- William Zoeller (Steven Winter Associates)
- Robert Smilowitz (Weidlinger)